The New Trimurti

There’s a new Trimurti in town. Shiv Baba, Brahma Baba and me. Together we are a powerful force, serving the world and putting the shaktis ahead. This is the system. The time of the feminine is at hand. The world at present is dominated by masculine energy. Forceful, domineering, materialistic and violent it has had its day. Perhaps useful once, when we first experienced sorrow, when we became mortal, when things fell out of balance and needed a different kind of energy in an attempt to right what had gone wrong, it is no longer necessary and needs to end.

The angel Brahma, the angel Goughy, along with the forever bodiless One, Shiv Baba are on the job. The method is to assist in the re-establishment of female, shakti energy. The method is to put ‘the sisters in front’, assist them to become powerful and lead humanity from the darkness into the light.

This idea of being part of the Trimurti came to me during Amrit Vela at Wilton recently. I’d always struggled with Brahma Baba’s role in on my spiritual path. Sure, I was thankful to him for all he has done but I didn’t involve him much in my day to day spiritual efforts.

Then as per the book by Joseph Nguyen we’ve been featuring here, and the concept of thoughts and thinking, this thought of the Trimurti of Shiv, Brahma and me ‘popped ‘ into my head and I’ve run with it.

Along with the Trimurti concept the thought also came about the masculine and feminine energies and where we are with that idea at the present time. A male dominated world. Also BB ‘putting the sisters in front’. Revolutionary for India in those times (mid 1930’s)

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