
Suspending (some) brain activity

One of my major aims in practising Raja Yoga meditation and this spiritual lifestyle is to go beyond this world whilst still living in it. To do this I must develop a very powerful intellect (brake) and steer my mind into stillness. I need to be able to stop thinking (suspend that particular brain activity) when I want and for as long as I want. This is the essence of these teachings. How to do this? Through understanding, an accurate method and frequent practise. Silence reveals the reality of who I am.


The Brahma Kumaris teach that, what we know as the past, present and future is all part of a predestined, eternal, identically repeating cycle of time and we are a now at ‘the end’ of the cycle and big changes are about to occur so we need to prepare for that. We’ve all lost sight of who we are and as a result our nature and behaviour has changed from godlike to devilish. Now there is an opportunity to reverse that process and return to our Godlike divine selves. That’s my understanding and my life’s experiences have led me to conclude that is true. So I have a reason to make effort and change.


What clouds our vision and prevents us from experiencing our original nature is the thoughts produced in the brain by our minds. With the wrong understanding of who we are and how we should be our minds race and produce all manner of incorrect thoughts which we accept and experience as reality. To change this we must focus our minds on this new understanding and make that a habit. I need to become an observer of my mind and steer it in the right direction. This is why I meditate. I dont like being a slave. I want to be free. So I practice dying alive, a living death.


We dont have to think all the time. We can take a break, hopefully a long break and just be aware. Aware of what? Aware of my silent inner world. With this knowledge of the cycle I can detach, have disinterest in this world and just be. Just be silent. Don’t think anything. Practise this.

We are light beings in the form of a point. We dont have eyes, ears or any outer senses. We are just light. Silent. Our bodies are puppets, costumes, instruments, vehicles. They are not who we are. Think about this and then go into silence and experience it. Suspend thinking for as long as you can.

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