I’ve never kept a chart of any sorts whilst I’ve been on this spiritual path. It always seemed a lot of effort, especially trying to remember what I had been thinking during the day. By day’s end I am always ready to just crash when I get to bed. My mind becomes foggy and I can hardly keep my eyes open. But I was gifted a very lovely diary and when the ‘keep a chart’ point came up in the murli again I thought that it would be a great opportunity to start charting. I liked the diary so much that I just wanted to keep it with me. I found the cover and the paper of the pages to be just to my liking, so I am going to give it a go and work towards creating a chart habit.
Baba gives us so many great points to churn or just keep in our minds when nothing of importance or necessity has to occupy it. Remembrance of God and our original self as well as our journey through time , need not be difficult and the benefits are immense. Baba’s gyan really is a treasure worth millions. It’s only necessary to fill our minds with such treasures in order to experience happiness, joy and contentment. We are so fortunate but we need to keep reminding ourselves of our fortune. Will a chart help? Let’s see!.
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