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Choose Thoughts Carefully
We only have a limited amount of energy for thinking so we don’t want to waste it thinking…
Amongst the Zombies
I see you as you pass me by. Hurried, eyes front. I feel your anxiety. You look alive…
Remain underground
A”lways try to keep yourself underground, that is, always try to remain introverted. All activities can be carried…
Suspending (some) brain activity
One of my major aims in practising Raja Yoga meditation and this spiritual lifestyle is to go beyond…
Walking Angels
We walked again on Sunday. Seven angels on the streets of Nundah.Silently walking on Earth whilst minds were…

Om Shanti
The organizers of this website are practitioners with years of experience in meditation and spiritual disciplines. Coming from diverse traditions, they have dedicated their lives to exploring inner transformation and fostering personal growth. Their journey includes extensive training in meditation and contemplative practices under renowned spiritual teachers worldwide. Grounded in compassion and authenticity, their vision is to create a community that nurtures meditation, resilience, and spiritual awakening, accessible to people