I see you as you pass me by. Hurried, eyes front. I feel your anxiety. You look alive but you are dead. You are the walking dead and I am observing you. All around, bricks and mortar, steel and glass, forming shapes but even this is an illusion. It is only light. Sparks of energy, now dying, now chaotic, solid to the touch of a body also dead. It is the end now. I know but you do not. It will be come clear with the passing of time. Soon that time will come.
The focus has gone and only the chaotic remains. Transformation will occur. It has to occur. The inevitable must occur. Then you, like I, will be free again and we’ll taste the joy of the bodiless stage as we go beyond space, time and sound. Reunited as before we will remain in the awareness of our original form and our original state of being. Peace and silence. Peace and silence.
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